Donate today and be a superhero for autism! image

Donate today and be a superhero for autism!

Improve lives, support families, and educate communities

$3,281 raised

$3,500 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

BREAKING - Follow the Superheroes for Autism live through their Facebook page while they complete the Tuna Run. Click here for progress.

We are a veteran Tuna Run 200 group who are channeling our inner superheroes in honor of a young man who is a hero to us! Vibhu Subramini has an great story about supporting the Autism Society of North Carolina.

Click here for more info on Vibhu's efforts. The seed for Vibhu's project was planted when he was even younger. In 2010, when he was vacationing at Disney World with his family, he saw a person with autism and wanted to understand more about her. "My parents told me that I could help if my empathy could be turned into contributing my share toward her benefit," Vibhu said.

Look out for your favorite Superhero characters among the Tuna racers this year and think about how you can be a hero for autism!